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The Two Has Become One

with Apostle Vivien Rose

The Lord is the owner to the key of our life and He is the final authority over our destiny.

No one will be able to withhold or reverse the plan of God for our life for those who wait upon Him, or are walking, hoping in Him. It is God who is writing our story.

God is bringing righteousness and oneness as male and female in every generation.

The Lord is confirming that in this month of July, the two has become one', as He is bringing an announcement that it has already come to pass in the timeline of heaven.

The hindrances and the decisions have already been made and worked out in the spirit. We are in the time of revelation of the promise and there is a grace for instant miracles and immediate manifestation, when we are in tune with what is going on in heaven.

Every aspect of the preparation of the bride and the groom has been accomplished. We are the generation of the marriage supper of the Lamb.

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The Two Has Become One

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